

This is a completely new system that can detect whether users have viewed, subscribed, liked, or commented on your channel.


For Mobile

You can earn free coins within the app without spending any money, and create many campaigns for your video and channel.


For Computer

This is the platform to help your video and channel to reach out to real people, and they can view and like any channel or video which they feel interested in.

TubeHome New Features



1. If you suspect the user unsubscribe to your channel, you can request the users to do the verification once every three days.
2. If the user does not perform the verification after three days, the system will return the coin to you automatically and block all his/her campaigns.



3. The system can detect whether the user has clicked on the Like button, subscribed, or comment on your channel.
4. You can create a Promotion Campaign and it will show on the main screen.


Frequently Asked Questions


You can send an email to our support team - tech19861016@gmail.com

Open the YouTube Player, select the Video that you want to create a campaign, then click the "Share" button, and then select the "Copy Link".

First, YouTube may take up to 24 hours to show the actual subscriber count
Second, the user unsubscribe your channel, for this problem, you can request the user to do the verification, if the user fail in the verification, the system will return the coin to you. And you can request the verification once every three days

If you do not like the channel anymore, you can unsubscribe the channel from the App first, then only unsubscribe it from YouTube Player. Likewise, the system would not deduct 500 coins from your account.

As long as your coin value is more than zero, you can unlock any campgain without spending single coin.

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